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Seasonal Depression in Seattle

       This assignment displays the foundation of my visual communications tool kit. It was my first experience combining the numerous resources and functionalities provided in the Adobe Creative Suite. The project tasked students with creating an infographic with numerous user-created graphs and images with real data. By combining the statistical and textual information, as well as incorporating visuals, the infographic that I created depicts common causes of seasonal depression in the Greater Seattle area.


        It was a lot of fun to implement the new approaches and strategies that were taught during this course. Photoshop and Illustrator, which were new to me at the time, proved to be essential tools in creating the infographic. The visuals in the infographic are all user-created through the use of both Adobe and Microsoft programs, and the data was all retrieved through publicly available and official channels. Creating the infographic was a multi-step process with numerous peer reviews and drafts and was greatly beneficial to my understanding of technical communication.

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